Medical Weight Loss

We’re excited that you’ve taken the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals

We’re excited that you’ve taken the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals

Book An Appointment

Ready to change your life? Here, we’ll walk you through our program, explain how it works, and help you determine if it’s right for you.

Are you struggling to lose weight?

Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet out there and nothing seems to work?

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your body and want to make a change?

Our medical weight loss program may be just what you need to kickstart your weight loss journey.

Weight loss can be a painful struggle…but it doesn’t have to be!  Our program is designed to help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way. We use a combination of medical expertise, and personalized meal plans to help you reach your goals.

Our program is tailored to your specific needs and we’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure your success.

Imagine being able to fit into your favorite clothes again, feeling confident in your body, and having more energy to enjoy life. With our medical weight loss program, these goals are within reach. We’ll provide you with the tools and support you need to make lasting lifestyle changes and achieve your ideal weight.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our medical weight loss specialists. We’ll answer any questions you have, explain how our program works, and help you determine if it’s right for you.

Call Us For An Appointment Today 305-418-0805

What is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss is a comprehensive weight loss program that’s supervised by a medical professional. The program typically involves a combination of nutrition counseling, physical activity, and sometimes, medication or supplements to help jumpstart weight loss.

Unlike fad diets or weight loss programs that promise quick fixes, medical weight loss is a personalized approach that focuses on long-term success. It takes into account your individual needs, medical history, and lifestyle factors to create a plan that’s tailored to your unique situation.

How Does Our Medical Weight Loss Program Work?

Our medical weight loss program is designed to help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initial Consultation: We’ll start by scheduling an initial consultation with one of our medical weight loss specialists. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history, weight loss goals, and any underlying medical conditions that may be impacting your ability to lose weight.
  2. Medical Evaluation: After the initial consultation, we’ll conduct a medical evaluation to determine if there are any underlying medical issues that may be contributing to your weight gain. We’ll also perform a body composition analysis to determine your current body fat percentage, muscle mass, and other important metrics.
  3. Personalized Plan: Based on the information gathered during the initial consultation and medical evaluation, we’ll create a personalized weight loss plan that’s tailored to your specific needs. This may include dietary changes, physical activity recommendations, and sometimes, medication or supplements to help jumpstart weight loss.
  4. Ongoing Support: We’ll provide you with ongoing support throughout your weight loss journey. We’ll monitor your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.

Book A Consultation Today!

*Initial consult with a physician/NP required to begin any weight loss program. Bloodwork and EKG as deemed appropriate by provider
*Medications subject to out of pocket costs determined by the insurance carrier

*Some of the services  may be covered by your insurance provider